About the Course

The true grit of a leader is often not about how they perform in good times but rather how they display resiliency, Emotional Intelligence, and clear communication in times of prolonged periods of strife. Today’s public sector leaders are navigating more challenges and change—from the great resignation to COVID-19—and resiliency is becoming a required key leadership competency. In the course, Making Resilience a Reality, you will collaboratively discuss the impact resilience has in the public sector workplace, build self-awareness to expand your current mental models about resiliency, and explore actionable strategies under the following key pillars of resilience: purpose, self-awareness and mindfulness, thinking skills, active/constructive relationships, self-care, and bouncing back and stamina. Resilience is not a fixed skill; it is a flexible skill that can be learned, strengthened, and improved upon every day. Resiliency will provide you with healthy, productive ways to react to crisis and stress and can create greater long-term professional and personal satisfaction and happiness.

  • Define resiliency and explore the impact resiliency has in the public sector workplace

  • Have a framework to build resiliency including but not limited to: purpose, self-awareness and mindfulness, thinking skills, active and constructive relationships, self-care, and bouncing back/stamina

  • Create a toolbox of skills and tools to utilize during any situation, including times of stress

  • Explore real-life scenarios to practice resilience and foster confidence to bounce back from any situation

What to Expect

  • Format

    Join a six-week cohort experience all held virtually. Through the six-weeks, you will join a series of instructor-led virtual live sessions and explore self-paced content.

  • Who Should Sign Up?

    The course is designed for mission-driven leaders for any position in a public sector organization.

Course Price

Launching September 11, 2023

  • 00 Days
  • 00 Hours
  • 00 Minutes
  • 00 Seconds